Ramana Maharshi : annihilation of the mind

Can someone become a high officer by merely once seeing such an officer ? He may become one if he strives and equips himself for the position. Similarly, can the ego, which is in bondage as the mind, become the divine  Self, simply because it has once glimpsed that it is the Self ?

Is this not impossible without the destruction of the mind ?  

Can a beggar become a king by merely visiting a king and declaring  himself  one ?  

Similarly, unless  the  bond   of   the mind is cut asunder by prolonged and unbroken meditation, ‘ I’ am the Self, the Absolute,’ it is impossible to attain the transcendental  State of Bliss,  which is identical with  the annihilation of the mind.

Ramana Maharshi (Teachings of Ramana Maharshi

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