Gerta Ital : Sudden Enlightenment

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Unfortunately, most people who have decided to start working on themselves are usually too impatient.

They want to see ‘successes’ as soon as possible, otherwise they feel that Heaven hasn’t taken note of their efforts.

It is a strange paradox: nobody objects to the long years of training and study which are necessary for … Read the rest >

Renunciation is an inner state of Mind – Swami Ramdas

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So sannyas, or any other method of approach to God, employed by various seekers of Truth, is only a means by adopting which the soul seeks liberation from the thralldom of lust, greed, and wrath, and experiences the fullness and glory of its integral spiritual life and being. It is not by mere external … Read the rest >

Are Nirvana and samsara one ? Huxley, the Perennial Philosophy

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That nirvana and samsara are one is a fact about the nature of the Universe; but it is a fact which cannot be fully realized or directly experienced, except by souls far advanced in spirituality. For ordinary, nice, unregenerate people to accept this truth par hear-say, and to act upon it in practice, is … Read the rest >

Tierno Bokar : White birds and black birds

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Tierno Bokar was a Sufi, a spiritual guide, sage and teacher. He lived in the first half of the twentieth century.

“In relation to one another,” he said, “humans are comparable to walls located facing one another. Each wall is pierced by a multitude of small holes where white birds and black birds are … Read the rest >

Meister Eckhart : There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow

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There exists only the present instant… a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence.

“ The beginning, in which God created heaven and earth, is … Read the rest >

Ajaan Kao : After death is there just voidness ? nothingness ?

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“Especially important is the idea which some people have that after death there is just voidness, nothingness. This view is fundamentally wrong.

The heart of the Lord Buddha and those of all the Arahants who have got rid of the kilesas which would otherwise lead them into birth and death, have hot been annihilated … Read the rest >

This is very strange – George Adie

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This is very strange.

I start to see so many things differently, I find that less and less is certain; and I have to begin to understand this possibility of inner doing without interfering with anything.

It is only by inner work that any real development is possible.   But then, in spite of all … Read the rest >

Advaita is an insight which transcends logic – Bede Griffith

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« It seems to me that we have ultimately to go beyond all forms of thought – even beyond the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Church, etc. All these belong to the world of « signs » — manifestations of God in human thought — but God himself, Truth itself, is beyond all forms of … Read the rest >

Meditation is to change the mind’s capacity : Ayya Khema

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When we sit down to meditate, we are trying to transcend our everyday consciousness, the consciousness used to transact ordinary business, the one used in the world’s marketplace as we go shopping, bring up our children, work in an office or in our business, clean the house, check our bank statements, and all the … Read the rest >

Edward Salim Michael : How to be whole in what I do ? – video

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How to be whole in what I do? We always want to get rid of something. Each moment can become a moment of practice — The street can be a cloister — the subway, the cooking, all must become practice. We have no time, don’t let a moment pass without working spiritually.

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