Meditation : Outer and inner immobility – video

We want to stop something in order to recognize a moment of awakening. But, to stop something, there must be a stillness, both externally as well as internally.
We want to stop something in order to recognize a moment of awakening. But, to stop something, there must be a stillness, both externally as well as internally.
Eighth Letter: Concerning Wandering Thoughts in Praye
You tell me nothing new; you are not the only one that is troubled with wandering thoughts. Our mind is extremely roving; but, as the will is mistress of all our faculties, she must recall them, and carry them to God as their last end.
When the … Read the rest >
We want to stop something in order to recognize a moment of awakening. But, to stop something, there must be a stillness, both externally as well as internally.
In the silence of those nights he began to perceive the ever-present inner sound, seemingly beginningless and endless, and he soon found that he was able to discern it throughout the day and in many circumstances, whether quiet or busy. He also realized that he had indeed noticed it once before in his life, … Read the rest >
“Write the divine name opposite your bed so that in the morning, upon wakening, it is the first thing you see.
On rising, utter it with fervor and conviction, as the first word to leave your mouth and strike your ear.
In the evening on going to bed, once you have stretched out, stare … Read the rest >
I had discovered this “inner sound” many years before but had never heard or read any reference to this in the Pali Canon. I had developed a meditation practice referring to this background vibration and experienced great benefits in developing mindfulness while letting go of any thoughts. It allowed a perspective of transcendent awareness … Read the rest >