
Gerta Ital : Sudden Enlightenment

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Unfortunately, most people who have decided to start working on themselves are usually too impatient. They want to see ‘successes’ as soon as possible, otherwise they feel that Heaven hasn’t taken note of their efforts. It is a strange paradox: nobody objects to the long years of training and study which are necessary for … Read the rest >

Gerta Ital : Sudden Enlightenment

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Unfortunately, most people who have decided to start working on themselves are usually too impatient.

They want to see ‘successes’ as soon as possible, otherwise they feel that Heaven hasn’t taken note of their efforts.

It is a strange paradox: nobody objects to the long years of training and study which are necessary for … Read the rest >

Gerta Ital : Sudden Enlightenment

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Temple Zen week 47-2012

Unfortunately, most people who have decided to start working on themselves are usually too impatient. They want to see ‘successes’ as soon as possible, otherwise they feel that Heaven hasn’t taken note of their efforts. It is a strange paradox: nobody objects to the long years of training and study … Read the rest >

Gerta Ital : On the way to Satori

‘The path which I travelled and which 1 have described in my narrative was a very hard and stony one. This fact should not discourage anyone else, however, for each individual is different. Nowadays it is no longer necessary for anybody who wishes to experience their own being and  God within that being to … Read the rest >