Entries by vidji

Meister Eckhart : There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow

There exists only the present instant… a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence.

“ The beginning, in which God created heaven and earth, is the … Read the rest >

Ajaan Kao : After death is there just voidness ? nothingness ?

“Especially important is the idea which some people have that after
death there is just voidness, nothingness. This view is fundamentally

The heart of the Lord Buddha and those of all the Arahants who have got rid of the kilesas which
would otherwise lead them into birth and death, have hot been
annihilated … Read the rest >

Bhaghavad Gita : He who sees Me everywhere and sees all in Me, to him I do not get lost, nor does he get lost to Me.

“Motionless like the light of a lamp in a windless place is the controlled consciousness (free from its restless action, shut in from its outward motion) of the Yogin who practises union with the Self.
That in which the mind becomes silent and still by the practice of Yoga: that in which the Self … Read the rest >