A Buddhist Prayer

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Our only prayer is to be firm in our determination to give ourselves completely to the Buddha’sWay, so that no doubts arise however long the road seems to be.

To be light and easy in the four parts of our body, to be strong and undismayed in body and in mind.

To drive out … Read the rest >

Edward Salim Michael : When a human being starts to pray

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In a similar way, if, during his meditation sessions, the seeker manages to be concentrated to the point that nothing exists for him other than the object of his concentration, the effacing of his ordinary individuality will be accomplished by itself without his even realizing what is happening to him. He will then be … Read the rest >

Ta-hui’s prayer which is recited daily in Zen monasteries.

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My only prayer is to be firm in my determination to give myself completely to the Buddha’sWay, so that no doubts arise however long the road seems to be.

To be light and easy in the four parts of my body, to be strong and undismayed in body and in mind.
To drive out … Read the rest >

Ayya Khema (video) : Loving- Kindness Meditation

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Please put the attention on the breath for just a moment to become centred.

Take a look into your heart and see whether there is any worry, fear, grief, dislike, resentment, rejection, uneasiness, anxiety. If you find any of those, let them float away like the black clouds that they are…

Then let warmth … Read the rest >

Tierno Bokar : Write the divine name opposite your bed

“Write the divine name opposite your bed so that in the morning, upon wakening, it is the first thing you see.

On rising, utter it with fervor and conviction, as the first word to leave your mouth and strike your ear.

In the evening on going to bed, once you have stretched out, stare … Read the rest >

Brother Lawrence : The Practice of the Presence of God

Convince yourself that God is often nearer to us and more effectually present with us, in sickness than in health.

Rely upon no other physician. He reserves your cure to Himself. Put then all your trust in Him, and you will soon find the effects of it in your recovery, which we often retard … Read the rest >