Renunciation is an inner state of Mind – Swami Ramdas

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So sannyas, or any other method of approach to God, employed by various seekers of Truth, is only a means by adopting which the soul seeks liberation from the thralldom of lust, greed, and wrath, and experiences the fullness and glory of its integral spiritual life and being. It is not by mere external … Read the rest >

Advaita is an insight which transcends logic – Bede Griffith

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« It seems to me that we have ultimately to go beyond all forms of thought – even beyond the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Church, etc. All these belong to the world of « signs » — manifestations of God in human thought — but God himself, Truth itself, is beyond all forms of … Read the rest >

Baghavad-Gita : What is knowledge, what is ignorance

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A total absence of worldly pride and arrogance, harmlessness, a candid soul, a tolerant, long-suffering and benignant heart, purity of mind and body, tranquil firmness and steadfastness, self-control and a masterful government of the lower nature and the heart’s worship given to the Teacher.

A firm removal of the natural being’s attraction to the … Read the rest >

Ramana Maharshi : annihilation of the mind

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Can someone become a high officer by merely once seeing such an officer ? He may become one if he strives and equips himself for the position. Similarly, can the ego, which is in bondage as the mind, become the divine  Self, simply because it has once glimpsed that it is the Self ? … Read the rest >

Renunciation is an inner state of Mind – Swami Ramdas

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So sannyas, or any other method of approach to God, employed by various seekers of Truth, is only a means by adopting which the soul seeks liberation from the thralldom of lust, greed, and wrath, and experiences the fullness and glory of its integral spiritual life and being. It is not by mere external … Read the rest >

Bhaghavad Gita : He who sees Me everywhere and sees all in Me, to him I do not get lost, nor does he get lost to Me.

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“Motionless like the light of a lamp in a windless place is the controlled consciousness (free from its restless action, shut in from its outward motion) of the Yogin who practises union with the Self.
That in which the mind becomes silent and still by the practice of Yoga: that in which the Self … Read the rest >

Baghavad-Gita : What is knowledge, what is ignorance

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A total absence of worldly pride and arrogance, harmlessness, a candid soul, a tolerant, long-suffering and benignant heart, purity of mind and body, tranquil firmness and steadfastness, self-control and a masterful government of the lower nature and the heart’s worship given to the Teacher.

A firm removal of the natural being’s attraction to the … Read the rest >

The Bhagavad-Gita : the Greatest of all Gains

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That in which the mind becomes silent and still by the practice of Yoga: that in which the Self is seen within in the Self by the Self, and the soul is satisfied.

That in which the soul knows its own true and exceeding bliss, which is perceived by the intelligence and is beyond … Read the rest >

Ramana Maharshi : I am the Self, the Absolute.

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Can a man become a high officer by merely once seeing such an officer ? He may become one if he strives and equips himself for the position. Similarly, can the ego, which is in bondage as the mind, become the divine Self, simply because it has once glimpsed that it is the Self … Read the rest >


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Yoga: Perfect Union with God

Yoga is the path by traversing which the individual soul realizes its real nature of immortality, omnipresence, peace, and bliss. The essential condition for the attainment of this supreme goal is the complete absence of the ego-sense. Self-control and self-discipline are the means. Yoga also signifies union with and … Read the rest >