How the Buddha answered to insults

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I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Rajagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrels’ Sanctuary. Then the brahman Akkosaka Bharadvaja heard that a brahman of the Bharadvaja clan had gone forth from the home life into homelessness in the presence of the Blessed One. Angered & displeased, he went to the Blessed … Read the rest >

Edward Salim Michael : a secret memory of the repetitions of his life

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As in a game of chess, the dying person sees at that fateful moment how every one of his actions unleashed a chain of events that made his life what it was as well as the turn it took, whether fruitful or sterile; he also sees in what manner and to what extent he … Read the rest >

NDE – The mirror of Karma – Consciousness does not depend on the brain,Professor Pim Van Lommel

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Reincarnation : troubling testimonies – Video –

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Some testimonies are particularly strong, like this boy remembering of a young american pilot during the second world war, and Barbro Karlen, whose testimonie about Anne Franck is more than troubling.

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Ian Stevenson : Reincarnation Evidence

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Ian Stevenson (1918- 2007)

 Was a scientific. traveled extensively over a period of 40 years to investigate 3,000 childhood cases that suggested to him the possibility of past lives. His work was conducted with appropriate scientific rigor.

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Edward Salim Michael : Preparing for Death

One should recall that the primary goal of spiritual practice must be to recognize in meditation another state of being and consciousness which is independent from the tangible world and which can be found after death.

One will then realize that it is possible to exist without the support of a body and one … Read the rest >

Ars Moriendi (The Art of Dying)

Against his will, he dieth that hath not learned to die. Learn to die and thou shalt learn to live, for there shall none learn to live that hath not learned to die (The Book of the Craft of Dying, Comper’s Edition). Ars Moriendi

Ars Moriendi (“The Art of Dying”) is the name of Read the rest >

Ian Stevenson’s research about reincarnation

  • Ian Stevenson, 1918- 2007 was a Canadian biochemist and professor of psychiatry. He was head of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia, which investigates the paranormal.

Stevenson considered that the concept of reincarnation might supplement those of heredity and environment in helping modern medicine to understand some aspects of human … Read the rest >

Remembering of previous lives, the true story of Manika, the girl who lived twice

A true story : a ten years old girl who lived in South of India remembered her previous life when she was in Nepal.



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