Are Nirvana and samsara one ? Huxley, the Perennial Philosophy

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That nirvana and samsara are one is a fact about the nature of the Universe; but it is a fact which cannot be fully realized or directly experienced, except by souls far advanced in spirituality. For ordinary, nice, unregenerate people to accept this truth par hear-say, and to act upon it in practice, is … Read the rest >

Meditation techniques – Levels of enlightenment and Satori – video

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When one succeeds in staying focused, there is an outcome. But this outcome can only be achieved when I lose my ordinary individuality as I know it usually… Edward Salim Michael gives some important clues for meditation.

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This is very strange – George Adie

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This is very strange.

I start to see so many things differently, I find that less and less is certain; and I have to begin to understand this possibility of inner doing without interfering with anything.

It is only by inner work that any real development is possible.   But then, in spite of all … Read the rest >

Meditation : Outer and inner immobility – video

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We want to stop something in order to recognize a moment of awakening. But, to stop something, there must be a stillness, both externally as well as internally.

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Ajahn Mun : My determination to transcend Samsara

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“I myself never expected to survive and become a teacher, for my determination to transcend samsara was much stronger than my concern for staying alive. All my efforts in all circumstances were directed toward a goal beyond life. I never allowed regrets about losing my life to distract me from my purpose. The desire … Read the rest >

Edward Salim Michael – Sadhana and Enlightenment

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Like an iceberg whose biggest and most important part remains submerged and hidden from sight, the human being’s most essential aspect lies mysteriously veiled beneath the mists of his illusory ordinary self. And, because the desires and clamors of this perceptible little self are so noisy, he is impelled to notice only this small … Read the rest >

Edward Salim Michael : The development of integrity

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The development of integrity and of true being, therefore, is indispensable for the seeker in his spiritual quest.

If he gives a promise he must keep it—no matter how hard it may be for him. He must constantly be wary of any unconscious lying, dishonesty, or inaccuracy, either to himself or to others. He … Read the rest >

Gerta Ital : Sudden Enlightenment

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Temple Zen week 47-2012

Unfortunately, most people who have decided to start working on themselves are usually too impatient. They want to see ‘successes’ as soon as possible, otherwise they feel that Heaven hasn’t taken note of their efforts. It is a strange paradox: nobody objects to the long years of training and study … Read the rest >

Meditation techniques – Levels of enlightenment and Satori – video

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When one succeeds in staying focused, there is an outcome. But this outcome can only be achieved when I lose my ordinary individuality as I know it usually… Edward Salim Michael gives some important clues for meditation.

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Meditation : Outer and inner immobility – video

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We want to stop something in order to recognize a moment of awakening. But, to stop something, there must be a stillness, both externally as well as internally.

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