A Buddhist Prayer

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Our only prayer is to be firm in our determination to give ourselves completely to the Buddha’sWay, so that no doubts arise however long the road seems to be.

To be light and easy in the four parts of our body, to be strong and undismayed in body and in mind.

To drive out … Read the rest >

Ajahn Mun : My determination to transcend Samsara

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“I myself never expected to survive and become a teacher, for my determination to transcend samsara was much stronger than my concern for staying alive. All my efforts in all circumstances were directed toward a goal beyond life. I never allowed regrets about losing my life to distract me from my purpose. The desire … Read the rest >

Edward Salim Michael – Sadhana and Enlightenment

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Like an iceberg whose biggest and most important part remains submerged and hidden from sight, the human being’s most essential aspect lies mysteriously veiled beneath the mists of his illusory ordinary self.

And, because the desires and clamors of this perceptible little self are so noisy, he is impelled to notice only this small … Read the rest >

Edward Salim Michael : The development of integrity

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The development of integrity and of true being, therefore, is indispensable for the seeker in his spiritual quest.

If he gives a promise he must keep it—no matter how hard it may be for him. He must constantly be wary of any unconscious lying, dishonesty, or inaccuracy, either to himself or to others. … Read the rest >

Dhammapada : All that we are is the result of what we have thought ;

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Not the unworthy actions of others nor their sins of omission and commission, but his own acts of omission and commission should one regard.

« He reviled me, he beat me and conquered and then plundered me », who express such thoughts tie their mind with the intention of retaliation. In them hatred will … Read the rest >


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Yoga: Perfect Union with God

Yoga is the path by traversing which the individual soul realizes its real nature of immortality, omnipresence, peace, and bliss. The essential condition for the attainment of this supreme goal is the complete absence of the ego-sense. Self-control and self-discipline are the means. Yoga also signifies union with and … Read the rest >

Simone Weil : Intimations of Christianity

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We must force this insatiable desire within us, which is always oriented towards outward things and has its domain in an imaginary future, to close in on itself and bring its main thrust round to the present.

Simone Weil

Apart from its primary goal (which is to succeed in recognizing the Source whence he … Read the rest >

Edward Salim Michael: the right time will never come

“A sincere aspirant will not fail to notice to what point he is inhabited by all sorts of futile or harmful inner chatter, as well as by an interminable procession of worthless, negative or even destructive thoughts, aside from all the tricks his mind will think up to divert him from his goal. Hence, … Read the rest >

Ram Bahadur Bomjon : Little Bouddha Palden Dorje

Ram Bahadur Bomjon (born c. 9 April 1990, sometimes spelt Bomjan, Banjan, or Bamjan), also known as Palden Dorje (his monastic name) and now Dharma Sangha, is from Ratanapuri village, Bara district, Nepal. Some of his supporters have claimed that he is a reincarnation of the Buddha, but Ram himself has denied this, and … Read the rest >

Theodore Monod : At the end of one’s life having done nothing

“By dint of having lived one day at a time without ever having had the strength of character to decide at which moment I would devote myself to something completely, one arrives at the end of one’s life having done nothing.

Theodore MonodRead the rest >