
The experience of I AM. This is our aim George ADIE

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“If we ask:

who can say that they have now within themselves, at this moment, a strong unifying presence?

A strong sense of their own separate individual reality, and also a related state to everything surrounding them here.

This is exactly what we are trying for.

This is exactly what we are aiming at. Read the rest >

Ars Moriendi (The Art of Dying)

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Against his will, he dieth that hath not learned to die. Learn to die and thou shalt learn to live, for there shall none learn to live that hath not learned to die (The Book of the Craft of Dying, Comper’s Edition). Ars Moriendi

Ars Moriendi (“The Art of Dying”) is the name of Read the rest >

Jean Staune : The history of the Universe

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Thus we can summarize the history of the Universe now : at the age of 10 – 43 seconds, the Universe had a diameter of 10-33 cm and a temperature of 10 32 degrees.

All the Energy that exists today in the Universe was already present in this tiny point. Since that moment nothing … Read the rest >

Edward Salim Michael : the quality and the intensity of one’s initial efforts

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One day, when he was outside his bungalow to practice his daily concentration exercises, Salim saw on the ground, not far from him, an enormous eagle holding something in its talons. With his beak the eagle tore off a morsel of the prey that he was perching on, then he lifted his head and, … Read the rest >